What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the medical practice of using small needles to stimulate the movement of energy (qi) in the body. An acupuncturist might also incorporate other techniques to build or disperse energy like: Cupping, Massage, Gua Sha (Scraping), Moxabustion (the burning of mugwort to warm up the body), etc.
What is qi?
Qi is simply energy. The meaning of the Chinese character for qi 氣 simply translates to: the energy that is contained with in a single grain of rice. Carbohydrates which are found in rice are chains of carbon atoms that are glued together by energy that the rice plant gathers from the sun. When we eat rice we break down the carbon chains and free the energy to power our body. The whole world around us is powered by qi. Our sun rains qi down on us everyday in the form of heat and light. It is both mundane and mysterious,
Does Acupuncture hurt?
Pain is an incredibly relative experience. Each of us react to positive and negative stimulation differently. For the most part acupuncture is relatively painless. Most peoples experience of needles are shots at the doctor. Acupuncture needles are far smaller than syringes that doctors use. Most people may feel a slight prick sensation at the surface of the skin. Usually any discomfort if there is any fades quickly. The true sensations that are felt during acupuncture are a bit more difficult to describe. Many people feel sensations like tingling, electrical sensations, pressure, temperature changes, warm fuzzy feelings, etc. Most of these sensations dissipate quickly. Once the needles are in most people feel a strong sense of relaxation and many people even fall asleep during treatment.
Do you guarantee results?
No medical modality can guarantee results. Many of our patients have seen a change in their health by receiving regular acupuncture. Results may vary. People who receive the best results also do their homework. Change often requires a change of lifestyle to meet your imbalances at the source. Feel free to check out reviews below to see what our patients are saying about our care.