TCM on Wheels, Geriatrics
Acupuncture treats eye disorders.
According to a World Health Organization report, acupuncture has been shown to provide relief from eye ailments for the elderly. Some of these disorders include cataracts, central retinitis myopia and acute conjunctivitis.
Acupuncture brings back body’s state of health.
This type of Chinese medicine is commonly based on the concept of ‘qi’ which is life force energy. This life force energy is generated continuously in the body and flows along the 12 meridians. The energy flow is balanced by two polarities that are referred to as ‘yin’ and ‘yang.’ A Proper balance of this energy enables the body to return to its normal state of health. When pathogens invade the body, they cause an imbalance of the energy, something that results in diseases. Therefore, acupuncture assists the body in the treatment of illnesses by restoring and ensuring the ‘qi’ flows in the right way.
Acupuncture relieves mouth disorders.
As people age, the teeth and gums tend to be affected by many years of use and sometimes neglect. Acupuncture has been shown to treat various mouth disorders that include gingivitis, post-extraction pain, toothache, acute and chronic pharyngitis, and temporomandibular joint disorders.
Acupuncture assists in the treatment of emotional and mental problems.
Some of the emotional and psychological problems that are treated by acupuncture include anxiety, depression and insomnia. Most of these problems are common to seniors, and they come with aches and pain in most parts of the body. This traditional Chinese medicine does recognize the mind and body interacting as one. When the ‘qi’ is directed to the right meridians, the body gets relief and relaxation.
Acupuncture eases arthritis pain.
Acupuncture has been shown to provide much-needed relief to seniors who are undergoing chronic pain conditions including arthritis. It is crucial to remember that not all rheumatoid arthritis can be treated using acupuncture. During treatment of arthritis, needles are placed along the legs, shoulders or arms of the elderly person. The frequency of the therapy of arthritis using acupuncture may vary, but acupuncture has been shown to be effective in treating arthritic inflammation
Dr. Sarah specializes in Geriatric Chinese Medicine, and is now offering TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) on Wheels!
Evaluate your loved one’s prescription list and she will check for contraindications and polypharmacy. Book our mobile services to travel to YOU, an Elder, or any Adult CARE center.
No prescriptions in acupuncture.
Acupuncture treatment is beneficial to seniors because they get relief from ailments without having to deal with the side effects of medications. According to a recent research done by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, every year, more than 177,000 adults do visit the emergency wards as a result of medicine problems.
Great potential benefits for the elderly.
For the elderly and for caregivers alike, acupuncture is especially beneficial to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. It’s also known to benefit elderly patients suffering from ailments which stem from over-medication. Western medication is potentially taxing to a senior citizen’s body. Also, mainstream doctors are increasingly turning to acupuncture to alleviate the symptoms of chemotherapy. There is also research on its benefits for sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal diseases, and drug addiction.
Acupuncture is useful for the respiratory system.
Various respiratory diseases have been shown to go away once an elderly person starts undergoing acupuncture. Some of these respiratory diseases include acute sinusitis, acute rhinitis, acute tonsillitis and common colds.
We offer Yoga and Qi Gong targeted to our seniors for strength and balance and in turn, LESS FALLS!!
Our sense of balance and stability can be thrown off for many reasons. Muscle weakness, joint stiffness, inner ear problems, side effects from certain prescription drugs, the lingering consequences after suffering a stroke, aging and leading a sedentary lifestyle are just a few things that can threaten our equilibrium. As a result, walking, sitting straight, shifting positions and physical activity, in general, may become difficult, awkward and frustrating. The reasons for balance issues may be complex, but acupuncture and Oriental medicine are capable of treating even the most complicated of cases.
Once reasons for balance problems are determined, a patient can expect an individualized acupuncture treatment plan, that includes lifestyle and dietary suggestions.
If you find your balance is thrown off easily, or you are becoming more sedentary because moving about has become too difficult, try acupuncture and Oriental medicine.